In𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨byICD-10 CoderDe-identifying Clinical Datasets Using Python, AI and AutoICD Clinical NLP APIsIn today’s digitized healthcare landscape, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems play a pivotal role in capturing and managing patient…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
InArtificial Intelligence in Plain EnglishbySalvatore RaieliIntroduction to medical image analysisa brief journey in how to start to analyze medical imagesJan 10, 20243Jan 10, 20243
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDByte-sized Prognosis: How AI is Reshaping the Cancer ForecastA NEW STUDY USED MACHINE LANGUAGE — ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) to develop a model to determine the prognosis for patients with…Dec 28, 20239Dec 28, 20239
InTDS ArchivebyKatie Morris ClaveauClinical Natural Language ProcessingTransfer Learning and Weak SupervisionJan 5, 20211Jan 5, 20211
Linus KohlExtracting and linking ontology terms from textThe article will describe the development of a custom spaCy pipeline that extracts and links terms from the Disease Ontology.Apr 10, 2020Apr 10, 2020
InThe StartupbyLinus KohlThe Similarity of Medical Texts Using the UMLS OntologyThe goal of this article is to experimentally calculate a similarity score of medical texts based on the distance of extracted terms in…Jun 27, 20201Jun 27, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyMala DeepModeling EEG Signals using Polynomial Regression in RSelecting Best Model with Polynomial Regression From ScratchJun 15, 20231Jun 15, 20231
InThe StartupbyMobiDev3D Human Pose Estimation in AI Fitness Coach Apps“Is it possible for a technology solution to replace fitness coaches? Well, someone still has to motivate you saying “Come On, even my…Jan 16, 20211Jan 16, 20211
InTDS ArchivebyMaarten Grootendorst9 Distance Measures in Data ScienceThe advantages and pitfalls of common distance measuresFeb 1, 202126Feb 1, 202126
InTDS ArchivebySalvatore RaieliGoogle Med-PaLM: The AI ClinicianGoogle's new model is trained to answer medical questions. How?Mar 17, 20235Mar 17, 20235
Daniel FellerEasy Medical NLP in Python using the medspaCy libraryUsing open source software to perform named-entity recognition on clinical textSep 16, 2022Sep 16, 2022
InTowards AIbyAnkit SirmoryaApplications of Deep Learning in Health InformaticsIntroductionJan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023